The Middle-Earth Society

A Tolkien Discussion Group/Mailing List

This section of The World of Tolkien is set aside for the exchange of viewpoints, thoughts, ideas, and questions concerning Tolkien's world and thought.

This forum is not meant to be a newsgroup. The content of the messages sent to the forum should be focused on the active discussion of suggested topics or topics of a similar sort. Comments need not be restricted to the list of suggested topics in the syntopicon, although this is a good place to find points of departure.

To participate in The World of Tolkien's discussion forum subscribe to the TOLKIEN list.

Send an email to with the following in the body of the message:

subscribe tolkien YourFirstName YourLastName

Note: Do not write anything else in this message as that would only confuse the software.

An edited/moderated version of the discussion of the TOLKIEN list will be archived as a feature of ETEP. The content of the archive is listed below.

Jack Lang
Discussion Moderator

What's New in the Archive?

29 Feb 96: The Valar by Tom Stanton

The Archive

Allegory, Myth, and Literature
Invocation of the Valar, Angelic and Divine intervention in Middle-earth

Current Active Discussion Topics:

This list is not comprehensive. Feel free to comment on any topic you choose or send in a new topic not listed here.

If you wish to comment on these or any other topics concerning the world and thought of Tolkien, send your message to the TOLKIEN list (

The Tolkien Encyclopedia
The Tolkien Syntopicon

Hypertextual System by FMI Publishing, 1995-6